Entrepreneurial Skills Pass
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The Entrepreneurial Skills Pass – ESP is a unique European certification, available to high school students who have carried out a practical entrepreneurial activity.
ESP certifies students who have acquired the knowledge, skills and abilities needed to start their own business or to become successfully employed.
The certificate can be obtained by learners aged 15 to 20, who take part in Junior Achievement's Company program for high school students. The program involves setting up a pilot company and taking an international exam to test entrepreneurial, economic and business skills.

ESP is recognized in 32 countries and is supported by leading companies, higher education institutions, international organizations, and the European Union.
Students who obtain the certification have a competitive advantage when entering the labour market, while employers who recognize ESP benefit from a certified EU-wide standard that meets their requirement for highly prepared employees. Find out more here: www.entrepreneurialskillspass.eu
European Parliament
European Commission
The ESP is analyzed and presented as a reference on how entrepreneurship is taught and learnt as a key competency by the European Commission. For further details see the in-depth case-studies report the European Commission – Joint Research Centre published together with the European Reference Framework for Entrepreneurship (EntreCOMP).
World Economic Forum - Education 4.0 Lighthouses - Best practices in 2023
The Education 4.0 Alliance, composed of over 30 experts, industry leaders, policymakers and practitioners listed ESP amongst the 16 selected interventions as one of the most important tool for accessible and inclusive learning.